MCh Urology - How to get into the all time favourite branch? - Tips and tricks
What’s not to like about Urology? It’s one of those specialties that tick every box you might have, and some more. If you take M.Ch Urology, you have the option of designing your career however you want. Cutting-edge research? Check. Life-saving procedures? Check. Transplants? Check. A good work-life balance? Check. It’s also considered one of the specialties that will give you a good lifestyle. Like I said, the possibilities are just endless with Urology.
So, it becomes all the more important to do your M.Ch Urology in a good centre. And as you might well know by now, getting into them is no easy task.

Top of the Crop
There is heavy competition for what are considered the prize Urology seats in NEET SS and the institute entrance exams, so be prepared to put in the work it needs. Doing your super specialty training in Urology from a great centre sets you on the path to a great future. How to do that? Read on.
Ideally, you should aim to get a rank within the top 50, to get a urology seat in the college of your choice. Where you do your M.Ch Urology will definitely have an impact on your future career as a urologist, so this is doubly important. To cement your place in the top, you need to be thorough with your basics first. Making sure you don’t make any mistakes in the General Surgery & Basic Sciences part of the paper is the first step towards a great rank. You may have already covered Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery and Sabiston’s Textbook of Surgery in your undergraduate and postgraduate years – but no matter, you must go through them again.
Alternatively, you can try solving MCQs in the General Surgery section of the Surgtest app – not only would this save your time, but it would also help you get a realistic picture of where you stand, regarding General surgery.
To know more about preparing for general surgery from Bailey and Love, click here
Surgtest is a platform that attempts to address this question by offering a one-stop destination for your learning (video lectures, immersive classes, doubt clearing) and testing (MCQ question bank) NEET SS needs. You can download the Surgtest app on google play store or apple app store.
There Is No Substitute for the Bible….or is there?
Coming to the Urology part of the NEET SS entrance exam, the standard textbook that is recommended for preparation is the latest edition of Campbell-Walsh Urology Review.
The general consensus is that there is no substitute to learning this book thoroughly, but Surgtest offers you a shortcut – doing the MCQs on the Urology section of the Surgtest app! The MCQs are directly framed from standard textbooks, and by doing them twice or thrice, you achieve two things simultaneously – learning, and testing. The question bank on Surgtest is quite comprehensive and covers all the topics you need to ace the entrance exam.
In addition to solving questions, you can also watch the Urology video lectures by Dr Farooq on Surgtest. Spanning over a total of 40-50 hours, they cover every nook and cranny of Campbell, and provide you with an exhaustive knowledge base.
In addition to this, Surgtest has added video lectures on Uro-radiology by Dr Athul on the app soon, which will prove to be an invaluable resource for NEET SS aspirants.
Listen to the toppers!
AIIMS Urology entrance exam topper Dr Pradhuman (AIIMS Urology Rank #5) says, “Surgtest Urology test series contains a large number of questions that helped me gain insights about the topics. It was especially helpful because the answers were referenced directly from Campbell’s Urology, with even the page number and chapter number in the textbook!”
The clean and uncluttered UI of the Surgtest app helps to keep it distraction-free and easy to use. The Surgtest app is customised for mobile interfaces – this means that you can whip out the Surgtest app when you get a moment of free time even when you’re in the ward and solve a couple of questions. It’s little things like these that add up and give you a huge advantage over others on the day of the exam.
Dr Pradhuman says he relied on Surgtest exclusively to cover some topics that he was not able to study in Campbell due to time crunch, and that it was adequate to get him a top rank in the entrance exam.
You can watch his interview with Surgtest founder Dr Vinayak on youtube here for more insights:
Surgtest subscribers also get access to the Surgest Urology whatsapp group, on which questions are posted regularly, and doubts can be clarified by experts and peers.
In all, having a good strategy and studying smart will help you secure a great rank in Urology in the super specialty entrance exams. Focus on the basics, watch video lectures on Surgtest, and solve the comprehensive MCQ question bank on the Surgtest app, and you’re good to go!

About the author | Dr Pranavi AR
Dr Pranavi is a qualified who graduated from JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr Pranavi is a faculty with Surgtest and is in charge of content creation.